The value of a moment is unknown until it becomes a memory.

This notion is the foundation of my photography. I believe our memories are fragile that, if left to their own devices, highlight and fade over time. My aim is to preserve these memories by documenting life around me and to shine light towards often overlooked moments.

Being a person who finds meaningful involvement in something larger than myself, I gravitate towards nature and aspire to capture moments that articulate the essence of beauty in our natural world. With mindfulness, I strive to establish myself in the moment to touch the wonders of nature that often go unseen. Whether it be an image of the cosmos that serves as a palpable reminder of our seat in the universe or an unassuming scene that exemplifies the fragility of our surroundings, my goal is to capture images that stand the test of time.

As my enthusiasm for photography has grown over the years, so has my creative vision and the direction I hope to take it. Much of my recent work is focused on photographing Rocky Mountain National Park and the beauty of its diverse landscape. As a Colorado Native with family roots in the Estes Park valley, my aim is to not only capture and share the beauty of Rocky Mountain National Park, but as way to pay homage to a place that has fostered my passion for the nature and provided countless memories that I hope to preserve for and pass on for generations to come. 

For now, you can follow my journey by subscribing below to receive updates regarding my projects. You may also reach me directly by using the contact form below. I thank you for your interest and will get back to you as soon as possible.



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